Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Feb event...BLACKENSTEIN!

Sunday February 10th
7:30 doors 8:00pm movie
95 Empire Black Box
at 95 Empire Street,
Providence, RI

The Arkham Film Society’s February screening is our first blaxploitation screening in honor of Black History Month, so come out and enjoy BLACKENSTEIN (1973).
Blackenstein concerns a Vietnam vet who lost his arms and legs and the surgeon his fiancĂ© finds to help him. So lets get together and enjoy some great 70’s schlock.

Check out the trailer here:

We at the Arkham Film Society hope to use these monthly screenings to expose our audience to a mix of obscure forgotten films along with some new independent features. Please let us know what you think of our programming by leaving suggestions and comments at our Facebook group, or at our blog

This event is brought to you with the help of Malachi’s CafĂ©

Plus for those of you interested earlier the same day The 95 Empire Black Box will be holding their own weirdo flea market from noon until 4pm. There will be many vendors selling vhs, dvd’s, music, music equipment, books, art, and a miscellany of other oddball items and we at the Arkham Film Society will have our own table.

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